Sunday, July 4, 2010

It is hot, hot and more hot!

Summer is in full force and the rains aren't here yet. I am checking the bucket water levels each day and some of the bigger tomato plants are drinking all their water and need daily refills in the reservoir and others don't. I am still watering them on the top also. Some nasty hornworms invaded the tomato patch and munched their way down on some tomatoes and plants until I found them and made my chickens real happy. Hopefully I got them all.

I installed a pvc pipe with two headers with 6 and 12 drip line extensions to each tube in the buckets to refill the reservoirs. I need to adjust the system some more to be effective to every bucket. If I can get it going smoothly, that would be a great time saver each morning! I have found one container that had stagnant water in it, and even upon changing it, lost that tomato plant.