Sunday, August 22, 2010

Temps still high

Temps are still high and the tomatoes aren't producing much. We are on our third invasion of hornworms. The chickens are having a feast! My pups got out and decided my tomatoes were something to seek out and destroy, so some of the tomato plants got squashed. Oh well, I guess they needed trimming!
My bigger garden didn't do as well this year, so I pulled most of it up and am changing out the soil. I bought a 200 gallon water tank and if I can get the shade up with a gutter over my chicken coop, I will have most of the water I need for a fall garden as well as a more successful next summer garden.
I am also trying to figure out how to convert one of the buckets to a hydroponic system. I have most of the things I need so this will be interesting if I can get the system to work!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Buckets still working nicely with tomatoes and peppers!

As summer rolls along, I've only lost 3 plants in buckets. Those buckets had water that went stagnant. I have since learned adding a couple pennies to the reservoir can curb algae!
I have bought a couple Earthboxes and plan to put some herbs in them on the patio. I will also be planting seeds for fall and winter veggies. The big garden wasn't as productive this year, so I will be replacing the soil for the winter season. Surprisingly, the plants in my greenhouse have done pretty well. They are in containers but it is very hot in there, often reaching 120 degrees during the day!